Congressman Dale W. Strong | Congressman Dale W. Strong website
Congressman Dale W. Strong | Congressman Dale W. Strong website
WASHINGTON— During the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) markup of the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), U.S. Representative Dale W. Strong (AL-05) stopped a last-ditch effort to further delay the announcement of U.S. Space Command (SPACECOM) headquarters when a member of the Colorado delegation filed an amendment to strike a provision intended to force a decision from the Air Force Secretary.
The provision, which was included in the underlying bill, (SEC. 2842, pg. 295) would freeze permanent or temporary military construction funds for SPACECOM and cut the Secretary of the Air Force’s travel budget by fifty percent until a final decision is made. It would not mandate a decision be made in favor of a particular location.
Representative Strong shared passionate remarks opposing the amendment to strike this section and urged his colleagues to vote against the Colorado-led amendment. HASC Chairman Mike Rogers (AL-03), Ranking Member Adam Smith (WA-09), and Rep. Terri Sewell (AL-07) also vocalized their opposition. Following the remarks by the bipartisan group of HASC members, the Colorado amendment was withdrawn.
“The Colorado amendment was nothing but another attempt to insert politics into a critical national security decision. If the Secretary of the Air Force hasn’t decided on where Space Command headquarters should be located, he shouldn’t be spending taxpayer dollars to invest in a temporary location,” said Representative Strong. “I remain confident that Redstone Arsenal, the top location throughout the entire basing process, is the best location for national security.”
WATCH Rep. Strong’s remarks during the FY24 NDAA markup HERE
Original source can be found here.